Retribution, Justice, and Therapy
Jeffrie G Murphy
Not Available
The Philosophy of Nicholas Rescher
Ernest Sosa
Justification and Knowledge
George S Pappas
Skepticiam, Justification and Explanation
James W Cornman
Time and Cause
Richard Taylor and 1 more
Rationality in Science
Risto Hilpinen
One World and Our Knowledge of It
Jay F Rosenberg
Knowledge, Perception, and Memory
Carl Ginet
Analysis and Metaphysics
Roderick M Chisholm and 1 more
Rational Consensus in Science and Society
Keith Lehrer and 1 more
The Metaphysics of G.E. Moore
David OConnor
God, Free Will, and Morality
Robert J Richman
God and Skepticism
Terence Penelhum
How Things Are
James Bogen and 1 more
The Ethics of Legal Coercion
John D Hodson
Empirical Justification
Paul K Moser
Naming and Believing
G W Fitch
Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science
J C Smith